Class Attendance
- Attendance is expected of every student.
- Being absent is not an excuse for not knowing about any important information that may have been given in class.
- Under the University's regulations, a student whose absence record exceeds 15% of total class hours will automatically fail the course.
- Students who in any way disrupt the class will be expelled from the classroom and will not be allowed to return until the problem has been resolved.
Project Assignments
- Students are allowed to work together on a project assignment; however, the work that is turned in by each student must be his own. For instance, a mere copy of another student's work will not be graded.
- A written project must be properly presented to receive full credit.
- A late project is penalized one point per day after its due date.
- A project sent by email will not be accepted.
Make-Up Exams
- Make-up, or late, exams will be given only to students who have a valid excuse
and who are able to provide a written document for its verification.
- The level of difficulty of a late exam is about 50% higher than that of the corresponding regular exam.
- All late exams will be conducted during the last week of the semester.
- Each student is allowed only one make-up in a semester, either for the first exam or the second, but not both.
- There is no further make-up for the make-up exam.
- Any form of dishonesty conduct will be strictly punished.
- A student who is caught cheating, or attempting to do so in an exam will be given a zero for the exam and a report will be written to the Dean for further action.
- A student who helps another student or is seen communicating with another student in an exam will be given the same penalty as stated in (2) above.
- Students with different exam forms are not exempt from the above rules.
- Repeat offenders will be expelled permanently and banned from future courses.
Copyright © 20022023 Amin Witno
This page belongs to the personal folder of Amin Witno and does not necessarily represent the philosophy and values of Philadelphia University or the Department of Basic Sciences in particular.